Author: nickot

AI will not take over people’s jobs, people who use AI tools will replace them.

Prepare yourself for new job skills so that you can compete in a new world of AI. Since November 30. 2022 Chat GPT has take over the conversation of the trending world of AI. I have used over 25 new tolls , excluding Chat GPT to create presentations, videos and books. On our website we start a blog on how to use these new AI tools. Get ready.
It is likely that AI will automate certain tasks and job functions, leading to some job displacement. However, it is also expected to create new job opportunities in fields such as AI development and management. It is important for workers to continuously upskill and adapt to the changing job market. The net impact of AI on employment will depend on how quickly and extensively it is adopted, as well as factors such as government policies and the speed of job creation in other industries.

Sample Post Format: Chat

Steave: In pellentesque id nisl cursus finibus?

Anna: In pellentesque id nisl cursus finibus. Proin maximus diam ut scelerisque scelerisque.

Steave:. Pellentesque fringilla lorem vel lectus sagittis, id accumsan arcu varius. Maecenas quis ligula id dui finibus fermentum.

Anna: Donec mollis pretium egestas. Fusce ornare id sapien at ultrices.

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Donec vulputate erat lectus, eu efficitur sem dignissim quis. Donec sapien est, dictum eget blandit ac, aliquet vitae orci. Fusce pellentesque justo at hendrerit hendrerit norbi tempor.

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Integer pulvinar, justo vitae lobortis venenatis, nunc erat varius leo, vel tempus purus orci quis nisl. Duis accumsan rutrum massa, non ornare lorem consequat at.
